Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Friday night egg drop competition

Middle school science class was the shit. So on Friday night, Blake Larue, Harry Teitelman, Stephen Neary, JD Amato, Ben Oviatt, and I decided to relive those good ol' days and hold an egg drop competition. The rules? You can use anything from my apartment. The objective? Construct whatever you can to save your egg from cracking when you toss it off a six-story building.

PART I: CONSTRUCTIONHarry's egg already lost.

This may be considered cheating, but under the stipulations of the aforementioned rules, there's nothing that can be done.

SS JD in mid-construction.

PART II: BON VOYAGE The view from the roof. Esteemed judge M. Porcello awaits down below.

PART II.5: MONEY SHOTS The infamous parachute that struck a sleeping bum down below.

PART III: AFTERMATH The SS JD took a hit that rivals the RMS Titanic. But Captain Egg and First Mate Craig Johnson survived with no serious injuries.

All competing eggs survived. 20+ years of living on this earth just for this moment!

We could have been arrested.


J.D. Amato said...

A night to remember. The S.S. JD's maiden voyage was a success, but I think she, captain egg, and first mate craig johnson have a few more adventures in them.

Also, I really like Blake's design and I really think Stephen could have pushed the imagination a little further. I was just a pillow pretty much. Also, Mr. P's was an utter failure.

stephen said...

that pillow was beautiful.

next time lets incorporate bottle rockets.

J.D. Amato said...

holy shit, next contest has to be a who can make something get the highest contest. bottle rockets, balloons, kites... THE WORKS

Blake said...

difficult to measure

i like more physically demanding projects, like milk drinking

or bottle rocket CATCHING

hairy said...

and next time lets do it out of the 8th floor.